
Birdfont kerning string
Birdfont kerning string

birdfont kerning string

OpenType-SVG Workshop - OpenType-SVG Workshop Web application.caryll / shapeops - Boolean operations and overlap removal for curves.otfcc-cubic2quad - Losslessly turn CFF OTF to TTF using otfcc.Typeset - TeX line breaking algorithm in JavaScript.Typeset.js - HTML pre-processor for web typography (hanging punctuation, soft hyphen insertion, optical margin outdents, small-caps conversion and punctuation substitution).Hypher - Fast and small JavaScript hyphenation engine.Hyphenator.js - JavaScript that implements client-side hyphenation of HTML-Documents.Hyphenopoly.js - JavaScript polyfill for client-side hyphenation.Google Fonts Infos - Extract info out of the Google Fonts archive.custom-fonts-in-emails - Extremely easy way to use custom fonts in emails without having to use art software.node-emoji - � simple emoji support for Node.js projects.

#Birdfont kerning string generator

fontfacegen - Browser font-face generator for creating browser usable fonts from TTF's or OTF's.fonteditor-core - Read, write, transform fonts in JavaScript.Plumin.js - Create and manipulate fonts in the browser.opentype-geometry - Convert Text from OpenType font to three.js 3D.OpenType - OpenType font parser in JavaScript.Character Set Inspector - Unicode Character Database for JavaScript.UCD - Unicode Character Database for JavaScript.unidata - Unicode Character Database for JavaScript.GitHub Font Preview - Adds a preview for fonts & glyphs on GitHub with OpenType.js.Fontello - This tool lets you combine icon webfonts for your own project.Web Font Loader - Web Font Loader gives you added control when using linked fonts via localFont - Implement localStorage web font caching in seconds.Font Face Observer - Font load events, simple, small and efficient.ChromaCheck - Feature test for color font support in browsers.Open Type playground - Playground for Open Type experiments with CSS.fontwr - Font manager for web projects.node-unicode-data - JavaScript-compatible Unicode data generator.node-sfnt - SFNT parser and generator for Node.js.SVG font creator - Create SVG font from separate images.cubic2quad - Aproximates cubic bezier curves with quadratic ones.ttf2eot - Convert TTF to EOT for Node.js.sfnt2woff - Convert TTF or OTF to WOFF, support Node.js and Browsers.ttf2woff - Convert TTF to WOFF, for Node.js.ttf2woff2 - Convert TTF files to WOFF2.simple-cff-builder - Simple CFF builder for testing fonts with different Type2 charstrings.

birdfont kerning string

  • Minimal-font-generator - Font's Hello world.
  • fontkit - Advanced font engine for Node and the browser.
  • font - Parse OTF/TTF file format directory from buffers for metadata.
  • CharacterMap - Online Character Map / Glyph / Icon / Font Viewer.
  • canvas-text-opentypejs-shim - Consistent text rendering for (backed by OpenType.js).
  • opentype-layout - Experimental word-wrapping and layout for OpenType.js.
  • OpenType.js - Read and write OpenType fonts.
  • A bit of font generation - Brief excursion into OpenType.
  • The OpenType Cookbook - Introduction to OpenType features for type designers.
  • OpenType: let's learn how modern fonts actually work.
  • the-cff-table - Markdown conversion of the Adobe Tech notes 51 about CFF.

  • Birdfont kerning string